Monday, May 12, 2008

Me again

Well even though no one really reads this its good for me to write since I haven't been very good at keeping a journal... and we all know how interesting my life is!

ok so lets see my life still hasnt' changed a whole lot but you know I'm actually ok with that! I got my grades back from this last semester and drum roll please (drum roll in the background) I got a B+ in spanish and an A in accounting! wow I couldn't believe it. I think I stared at the screen in shock for at least 10 minutes! So now I'm feeling a bit more confident in taking my 2nd accounting class this summer!

Anywho lets see what else would yall like to know about me? I've chopped my hair again... this seems to happen about every 6 months although I don't have a camera so I can't show ya'll what it looks like but its been a pretty good success! Not that I cut my hair to meet guys but since I've gone back to "the Flip" I've had more guys flirting with me and more dating potential... it's crazy! of course I don't see a real relationship anywhere in the near future but ya know its fun! Funny as this may sound but I think for once I'm actually content with where I am in my life... I'm not comparing myself to anyone else and I'm learning a lot about me its great! I'm also learning how to be myself around people that I've never met! Its great! well anyway I guess thats all I have to say for now.

Life is wonderful!


Michelle said...

Well, Crystal, I will read your blog. I think this is so fun and I am totally getting into it!!! Congrats on the grades!!!! Very very exciting!!!

Alinde said...

Hey Crys,
Good job on the grades, though you told me that on google messenger, but I was happy to read it here too and be reminded of it. you really are a great student. you have always taken school more seriously than I ever did. GOOD JOB!

about the boys, I'm sorry there isn't more going on there, but i'm glad that you're content with who you are, that really says a lot about you. Strong and wise!
i love you lots, now I'm off to your next blog. Smile
love ya